Mac97a6t92b mac97a8 mac97a6 triac t to92 triac 02t1 to92 triac 0,8 a mac97a8 equivalent mac97a6aa3r text. Select the part name and then you can download the datasheet in pdf format. Tic226 series silicon triacs 1 april 1971 revised september 2002 specifications are subject to change without notice. The mac97a6,412 is a planar passivated very sensitive gate 4quadrant triac for general purpose low power phase control and low power switching. Mac12d, mac12m, mac12n triacs silicon bidirectional thyristors designed for high performance full. Offer mac97a6 cj from kynix semiconductor hong kong limited. Features sensitive gate triggering in 3 modes for ac triggering on sinking current sources. Mac97a6 4q triac 1 may 2015 product data sheet scan or click this qr code to view the latest information for this product 1. Mac97a6 datasheet412 pages philips logic level triac. State current rating of 12 amperes rms at 70c uniform gate trigger currents in three quadrants. Description logic level sensitive gate triac intended to be interfaced directly to microcontrollers, logic integrated circuits and other low power gate trigger circuits. Mac97 series sensitive gate triacs sparkfun electronics. Jul 22, 2019 97a6 datasheet, 97a6 pdf, 97a6 data sheet, 97a6 manual, 97a6 pdf, 97a6, datenblatt, electronics 97a6, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets, data sheet. For standard triacs, current flow in either direction between the main terminals mt1 and mt2 is initiated by a small signal current applied between mt1 and the gate terminal.
General description planar passivated very sensitive gate four quadrant triac in a sot54 plastic package intended to be interfaced directly to microcontrollers, logic integrated circuits and other low power gate trigger. Mac97a6 datasheet212 pages philips logic level triac. Logic level triac, mac97a6 datasheet, mac97a6 circuit, mac97a6 data sheet. Mac97a6 triac components datasheet pdf data sheet free from datasheet data sheet search for integrated circuits ic, semiconductors. Circuit with power fail comparator and manual reset package. Philips logic level triac,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. Philips, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and. Jun 15, 2019 97a6 datasheet, 97a6 pdf, 97a6 data sheet, 97a6 manual, 97a6 pdf, 97a6, datenblatt, electronics 97a6, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets, data sheet. Apr 21, 2020 97a6 datasheet, 97a6 pdf, 97a6 data sheet, 97a6 manual, 97a6 pdf, 97a6, datenblatt, electronics 97a6, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets, data sheet.
Mac97a6 mac97a8 logic level triac, mac97a6gt92r pdf download unisonic technologies, mac97a6gt92r datasheet pdf, pinouts, data sheet, equivalent, schematic, cross reference, obsolete, circuits. Download mac97a6 datasheet from new jersey semiconductor. Mac97a6,412 nxp semiconductors triacs kynix semiconductor. Offer mac97a6,412 nxp semiconductors from kynix semiconductor hong kong limited. Download mac97a6 datasheet from nxp semiconductors. Triac discrete semiconductor product 600ma 400v logic sensitive gate. Triac electronic parts page 11 electronic components. Triac a triac can be regarded as a bidirectional thyristor because it conducts in both directions.
Mac97a8 datasheet, mac97a8 pdf, mac97a8 data sheet, mac97a8 manual, mac97a8 pdf, mac97a8, datenblatt, electronics mac97a8, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets. Foshan triac in a to92 plastic package,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. Mac97a6 datasheet, pinout,application circuits triacs. Mac97a6 datasheet, mac97a6 pdf, mac97a6 data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf, motorola, triacs 0. Aug 27, 2019 97a6 datasheet, 97a6 pdf, 97a6 data sheet, 97a6 manual, 97a6 pdf, 97a6, datenblatt, electronics 97a6, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets, data sheet. This is one package pinout of mac97a6,if you need more pinouts please download mac97a6s pdf datasheet. Dec 19, 2019 97a6 datasheet, 97a6 pdf, 97a6 data sheet, 97a6 manual, 97a6 pdf, 97a6, datenblatt, electronics 97a6, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets, data sheet. Mac97a6 datasheet112 pages philips logic level triac. On semiconductor mac97a6 thyristor triac 400v 8a 3pin to92 bulk alt. Mac97a6 pdf, mac97a6 description, mac97a6 datasheets. Logic level fourquadrant triac, z0103ma pdf download nxp semiconductors. Utc logic level triac,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic. Mac97a6 datasheet, mac97a6 pdf, mac97a6 data sheet, mac97a6 manual, mac97a6 pdf, mac97a6, datenblatt, electronics mac97a6, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets.
Descriptionlogic level sensitive gate triac intended to be interfaced directly to microcontrollers, datasheet search, datasheets, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes and other semiconductors. Mac97a8 triac philippines triac mac97a8 mac97a6 equivalent power triac circuit handbook. Mac97 datasheet pdf, mac97 data sheet, mac97, mac97. Mac 97a6 m922s datasheet search pdf mac97a6 datasheet, mac97a6 circuit, mac97a6 data sheet. Sensitive gate triacs silicon bidirectional thyristors designed primarily for industrial and consumer applications for full. Mac97a6 datasheet, mac97a6 datasheets, mac97a6 pdf, mac97a6 circuit. Mac97a6 t92b mac97a8 mac97a6 triac t to92 triac 02t1 to92 triac 0,8 a mac97a8 equivalent mac97a6 aa3r text.
C mac97a6 8 triacs absolute maximum ratings characteristic, ratings are stress ratings only and functional. See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 6 of this data sheet. Mac97a6 pdf, mac97a6 description, mac97a6 datasheets, mac97a6. Sensitive gate triacs silicon bidirectional thyristors. Repetitive surge current one full cycle, sine wave 60 hz tc 110c itsm 8. Hde702800 datasheet haida international equipment co.
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